Tree planting update

Did you know?

At Lanocare, we’re proud to make a difference beyond rust protection.

In 2021, we pledged that for every order received, we would plant at least four trees. Our aim was to plant 4,000 trees in Malawi, where we’re tackling deforestation and climate change head-on. But, we didn’t stop when we hit the 4,000 mark!

As of today, we’re at 7,036 trees – and we’re still counting!

Each tree we plant absorbs 10kgs of carbon annually, so that’s 70,360kg for the trees planted already. We like to think it shows just how committed we are to removing tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere each year.

Join us in our mission for a greener, healthier planet!

You can add to the tree count by shopping for our products here:  Thank you so much for your support to date.